Costs of Listing With An Agent in Dallas

When it comes to costs of listing with an agent in Dallas, take your time before committing to a real estate agent. It’s important to crunch the numbers and explore your alternatives. Costs of Listing with an agent can involve various expenses, and in some cases, opting for a direct sale might be a more financially rewarding option. Make sure you’re well-informed about all the possibilities before putting your signature on a listing agreement that ties you to an agent!

Here are just a few of the costs you might encounter when listing with an agent:

Commissions – 6%+ of the final sale price

Typically, in costs of listing, when you sell your place, the seller covers the entire commission fee. The exact percentage might differ, but it’s usually hovering around 6%. On top of these commissions, agents might throw in some extra costs like administrative fees, agent fees, and notary fees. It’s good to be aware of these additional expenses to get the whole picture.

Inspections – At least a few hundred dollars

Usually, the buyer takes care of the inspection expenses as part of the closing costs. But here’s an interesting tidbit: some sellers are starting to foot the bill for inspections as a bargaining move. Once the inspection is wrapped up, any necessary repairs become the topic of negotiations between the buyer and the seller. It’s all part of the give-and-take dance in the home-selling process!

Appraisals – A few hundred dollars

Usually, the buyer is the one on the hook for this task. When a buyer is teaming up with a lender, it’s standard procedure for the lender to insist on getting the house appraised before sealing the deal. Now, here’s a twist: the costs of listing this appraisal can be up for negotiation, and sometimes, it’s the seller who ends up covering it.

But wait, there’s more! Sellers, in some cases, might take the initiative to get appraisals done themselves, using it as a savvy move in the negotiation playbook. So, if an appraisal happens on your property, it’s a smart move to hold onto a copy for your records. It’s all part of the intricate dance of buying and selling homes!

Cleaning – $0 to a few hundred

With cleaning as costs for listing your home with an agent, when you’re putting your house on the market, cleanliness takes center stage. And I mean a thorough, deep-clean kind of situation. You’ve got two options here: either bring in the pros for a top-to-bottom clean or roll up your sleeves and tackle the task yourself. Because let’s face it, whether it’s an open house, an unexpected showing, or just curious folks dropping by to check out your home, it needs to be spick and span 24/7.

Now, if your daily schedule is already jampacked, keeping your home in its tip-top shape might call for a little external assistance. The price tag for this help will depend on the size of your home and the intensity of the cleaning required. On average, you’re looking at a starting point of around $100 per cleaning and up. It’s an investment that pays off when potential buyers walk into a sparkling clean space! That’s another costs of listing. 

Staging – $0 to a few hundred

Talking about staging in the costs of listing, perhaps your home is already adorned with fresh hand towels, fragrant candles, vibrant throw pillows, and strategically placed houseplants. Kudos to you if that’s the case! But for the rest of us, achieving that “straight out of a catalog” allure might require a bit of effort. The good news is, it doesn’t have to break the bank. There are plenty of DIY options or fantastic deals to be found at big box stores.

Now, here’s the secret sauce: even if you’re not a seasoned interior decorator, you can still create that cozy, stylish vibe. If you find yourself out of your element, enlist the help of a friend or turn to the treasure trove of ideas on Pinterest. It’s surprising what a few carefully chosen pieces can do to bring a room together and truly make it feel like home. So, whether you’re a seasoned decorator or a Pinterest novice, a little touch here and there can work wonders in turning your space into a haven.

Repairs – Varies

So, we’ve talked about how repairs become the talk of the town between buyers and sellers during the negotiation phase. If you’re the one selling, it’s a wise move to be upfront about any repairs you’re already aware of. Let potential buyers in on the secret, and assure them that these costs are factored into your asking price. It’s all about transparency!

Now, here’s a nifty trick: when you know there are repairs on the horizon, consider offering a credit for them. This way, the buyer can feel more at ease knowing that you’ve got it covered. It’s like saying, “Hey, we’ve got you covered, and this home is worth every penny!”

But, (yes, there’s always a but), if new repairs pop up post-inspection, don’t hit the panic button. These issues can still be addressed, and the terms can be ironed out before the sale gets the official stamp. It’s all part of the process to make sure everyone’s on the same page and the home changes hands smoothly.

Bills While The Home Is On The Market – Varies (Can be hundreds or even thousands!)

In these costs of listing, even if you’ve packed up and left your home to make way for potential buyers, don’t forget to keep the utilities running. Listing your home is like tossing a surprise party—you never know when the right guest (or buyer, in this case) will show up. It might take a few weeks, or it could stretch into months before your home finds its new owner. That uncertainty means you’ve got to keep the lights on, quite literally!

Now, here’s the financial reality check: until the closing day arrives, you’re still on the hook for property taxes and homeowners’ insurance. These bills keep marching on, no matter if you’re living in the house or not. If your home hangs out on the market for a while (and it’s pretty common for that to happen), those bills can pile up faster than you’d think, turning into a little financial mountain to climb. So, keeping the utilities humming and staying on top of those bills is a small but crucial investment or costs of listing in the journey to selling your home.


There is an easier way to sell your Dallas home that won’t cost you a dime in commissions or fees! Shoot us a message here, or give our office a call to find out more! (214) 225 - 9225


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